James Cameron in conversation

Avatar, Terminator, Stan Winston and what he’s been doing for the last 12 years

Avatar, Terminator, Stan Winston and what he’s been doing for the last 12 years.In a great guest blog, Scyfi Love’s man in London Craig Grobler – aka @ckc1ne on Twitter and a top bloke all around – tells of meeting up and spending three hours in the company of James Cameron ahead of the release of his latest blockbuster, Avatar. In that time Cameron and Craig talked about the origins of his most famous creation, The Terminator, his hopes for Avatar and the technology behind it, the death of Stan Winston and what the future may hold.

Cameron Talks

Craig Grobler

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Last weekend Secret Cinema pulled off their most awesome screening yet!:

- Dress for an 80s rock evening (Rock Gods, Shady Promoters, Metal Heads and Old School Rockers)
- Meet at the Sheperds Bush Empire
- An introduction by the legend that is Mr. Ralph Brown or Danny as he is known to his friends
- A screening of a short film about a Lebanese drummer
- An actual performance by up and coming rock band Cauldron
- A UK Premiere screening of ANVIL!

The following is a quote from www.metalhammer.co.uk which sums up the film pretty neatly:

"It’s not as if we metal fans aren’t used to being patronised and misunderstood by outsiders, but the strength of the Anvil movie lies in the fact that it’s a genuinely touching story about human beings, relationships and the pursuit of childhood dreams; all things that the vast majority of people can relate to without recourse to sneering superiority. In fact, the most startling thing about this screening of the film is that as it progresses, there’s a very noticeable change in atmosphere, as bemused giggling slowly evolves into bona fide sympathy and affection for Anvil and their rollercoaster ride."

The film moved me (a non hard metal fan) to purchase the latest ANVIL CD. I say "moved" as I have not bought a hard copy music in about 4 years. I knew of the ANVIL film and although impressed on hearing that ANVIL the band had been making live appearance to support the films launch had already decided that I would see it as a download or when it was on TV. I'm really glad I got to see the film big screen at Secret Cinema. I should mention that I had it the wrong way around - the film was created to promote the story of ANVIl. I only found out at that screening that the film was actually made by a dedicated ANVIL fan who had followed them since their early performances.

In many ways not only is it true to the spirit of rock but independent film making as well. So the film is over. It's time to pack up and leave. WRONG! Secret Cinema was just starting! After the credits the lights dim, a lone guitar riffs metal and a spotlight lights up a second tier balcony revealing "Lips" wailing on his axe.

- The screening was followed by a performance from ANVIL themselves and if that was not enough they pulled in Scott Ian (legendary Anthrax guitarist) to play a couple of songs. ANVIL pretty much got the audience on their feet and rocking out. It was a genuine rock gig by a genuine rock band.

Thanks Secret Cinema and thank you ANVIL for continuing to rock!

An online petition to get ANVIL to play Glastonbury can be found here > http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/sendanviltoglastonbury/

We the people have had enough of rich, bratty rock stars getting all the money and fame. We DEMAND to see ANVIL live on the Glastonbury stage in the summer of 2009. It's not just that they've earned it, it's that ANVIL ROCKS!'

After 35 years of putting in the work for NO REWARD, now is the time for ANVIL!!!



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