James Cameron in conversation

Avatar, Terminator, Stan Winston and what he’s been doing for the last 12 years

Avatar, Terminator, Stan Winston and what he’s been doing for the last 12 years.In a great guest blog, Scyfi Love’s man in London Craig Grobler – aka @ckc1ne on Twitter and a top bloke all around – tells of meeting up and spending three hours in the company of James Cameron ahead of the release of his latest blockbuster, Avatar. In that time Cameron and Craig talked about the origins of his most famous creation, The Terminator, his hopes for Avatar and the technology behind it, the death of Stan Winston and what the future may hold.

Cameron Talks

Craig Grobler

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The Counterfeiters & Q&A with Adolf Burger as well as launching of his memoirs.

Following a screening of The Counterfeiters, the Phoenix is delighted to welcome Adolf Burger for the English launch of his memoir, 'The Devil's Workshop' as well as a Q&A session. Burger's memoirs served as the basis for the film and are being published in English for the first time by Frontline Books.
The Counterfeiters follows the World War II story of Salomon Sorowitsch (Karl Markovics), a renowned local forger who is arrested by German police and imprisoned. In a bid for protection and favour with the guards, Salomon turns his hand to portraiture which gradually attracts attention and before long he is selected to join a team of counterfeiters embarking on the greatest forgery plot ever known. He is moved to Sachsenhausen concentration camp and kept in comparative comfort, with a number of other artistic and printing professionals who are forced to forge American and British currency to support the Nazi war machine.

Initially self-preservation in Salomon prevails but slowly his increasing awareness of the role he is playing in the holocaust unfolding on the other side of the fence, and his growing concern for his fellow prisoners causes him to struggle between the moral implications, the pride in his work and his own risk of extermination.

The Counterfeiters & Q&A with Adolf Burger as well as launching of his memoirs
Sunday February 22, 2009 at 2:00pm
Phoenix Cinema
East Finchley
London, England N2 9PJ


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