James Cameron in conversation

Avatar, Terminator, Stan Winston and what he’s been doing for the last 12 years

Avatar, Terminator, Stan Winston and what he’s been doing for the last 12 years.In a great guest blog, Scyfi Love’s man in London Craig Grobler – aka @ckc1ne on Twitter and a top bloke all around – tells of meeting up and spending three hours in the company of James Cameron ahead of the release of his latest blockbuster, Avatar. In that time Cameron and Craig talked about the origins of his most famous creation, The Terminator, his hopes for Avatar and the technology behind it, the death of Stan Winston and what the future may hold.

Cameron Talks

Craig Grobler

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Whilst at the BFI Southbank for a preview screening of Franklyn I discovered an interesting installation in the foyer. Turned out is was a digital Zoetrope.

From Wiki: A zoetrope is a device that produces an illusion of action from a rapid succession of static pictures.

After a bit of snooping I found out that "Onedotzero commissioned Trioka to create an entire "multi-sensory identity" for the Adventures in Motion festival, consisting of printed material, a digital trailer and an installation.


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