James Cameron in conversation

Avatar, Terminator, Stan Winston and what he’s been doing for the last 12 years

Avatar, Terminator, Stan Winston and what he’s been doing for the last 12 years.In a great guest blog, Scyfi Love’s man in London Craig Grobler – aka @ckc1ne on Twitter and a top bloke all around – tells of meeting up and spending three hours in the company of James Cameron ahead of the release of his latest blockbuster, Avatar. In that time Cameron and Craig talked about the origins of his most famous creation, The Terminator, his hopes for Avatar and the technology behind it, the death of Stan Winston and what the future may hold.

Cameron Talks

Craig Grobler

How the quality of sound digitaly degrades

Posted by Craig Grobler On 06:24

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I read this article a while ago and could not for the life of me remember which magazine I had seen it. After a little bit of searching I found the source (Alec Hanley Bemis in Wired Issue 13.07 - July 2005).

It's a sort of dummies guide to how digital (/read computers) have brought the quality of sound down. Interesting that most of webgen have not actually heard vinyl and that their benchmark for sound quality is probably a little lower. I wonder what the implications of this are for the future?

The article highlights that the 6 main factors effecting the degradation of digital sound are:
  1. Studios
  2. Recording Media
  3. Compact Discs
  4. MP3s
  5. Sound Cards
  6. Speakers
Read the article over here at Wired for more detail of the 6 factors above.


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