James Cameron in conversation

Avatar, Terminator, Stan Winston and what he’s been doing for the last 12 years

Avatar, Terminator, Stan Winston and what he’s been doing for the last 12 years.In a great guest blog, Scyfi Love’s man in London Craig Grobler – aka @ckc1ne on Twitter and a top bloke all around – tells of meeting up and spending three hours in the company of James Cameron ahead of the release of his latest blockbuster, Avatar. In that time Cameron and Craig talked about the origins of his most famous creation, The Terminator, his hopes for Avatar and the technology behind it, the death of Stan Winston and what the future may hold.

Cameron Talks

Craig Grobler

PS3's MotorStorm™ PS3 & XBox

Pretty much this has been the state of affairs since our PS3 arrived. Its been mostly MotorStorm. A high octane dirt racing game. Game time has increased as both of us have been laid low by the dreaded Lurgi making its way around London.

This morning I caught a bit of BBC's Click. This is a British gadget show. They were doing a comparison between the Xbox 360 and the PS3. I am usually fairly impartial when it comes to these things. But I was a bit annoyed as to how the PS3 was portrayed especially its online offering. I have been a keen Xbox 'er for a while now and own both an Xbox and an Xbox360 and since just before the UK launch have had a PS3 .
The Click were doing a like for like comparison of " XBox Live " and " Playstation network " they expounded how Xbox live was great and that Playstation Network felt like an add on. I can tell you that the UI of the Playstation Network is streets ahead of Xbox live and that is free. No subscription charges at all.

UI: I was pleasantly surprised at the ease of navigating around the simple and beautiful interface. Sony have translated the PSP interface to a medium that really works well. By far the more superior interface. Think - Xbox's Big, clumsy colorful Hulk Hogan vs. an elegant, poised Sony Bruce Lee.

Online: I can also tell you that so far (the online offering is evoling as Sony rollout new features as more PS3'ers join) that the Playstation Network is more reliable than XBox live that did freeze and had constant lag issues.

Game graphics: PS3 has awesome high end clean graphics. The XBox360 less so. However the XBox's ambient graphics (lighting, texture rendering, etc) is much better so far. Bear in mind I have only played a handful of PS3 games but have a collection of Xbox games. I'm hoping this will be addressed as Sony rollout more games builr to match the most powerful graphics maching currently available on the market. My comparison has been mainly made comparing Gears of War to Resistance: The fall of man.

High Def: I cannot rate Blu Ray High Def Discs high enough - Mainly because I have had a high Def TV for awhile now and been subjected to really low quality broadcasts and regular quality DVD's. Note: Check to see the quality of standard quality rendering on your Hi Def purchase.

The guys that do the installations in our block are quoting a ton for Sky HD as there is no one else using near me at the moment. I'll wait a couple of months till someone else has paid for the cable to be run and then I'll get it installed.

The Xbox 360's high def output (translated via component) is no match for the PS3's purer HDMI output and it rocks. I spent some time actually analysing the pixel by pixel movement on my screen.

Negative: Although he PS3 has loads of ports; USB, Flash, SD, Memory stick pro, etc. It doesn’t matter if I cant play my downloaded Divx or Xvid films. Sony has been ignoring these codecs and favour of more standard easily controllable ones.

eBoy & uMan Web 2.0 Mashup

eBoy & uMan Web 2.0 Mashup, originally uploaded by Craig Grobler.

Someone stuck the new eBoy web 2.0 poster up in the office. During the week I hacked the poster (ala Banksy style) and stuck up a new version. Its now an eBoy Web 2.0 brands mashed up with Usability Man poster.

The original poster can be viewed and purchased here. Another version is up on Flickr with the Web 2.0 brands identified here.

70's London Postcard Tilt-shift

Taken across the river this morning. London was slightly foggy, well closer to hazy than foggy. My tweaked phot actually makes the weather seem much better than it was. It actually turned out to be a to br a dreary day. I cant wait for Summer.

my VisualDNA

Apparetnly this is what my VisualDNA™ looks like

Spring is here - Highbury & Islington, London

So after a cold start. I think spring is finally here.

I'm not sure I'll ever get used to the stark contrast in season over here.

Snow on Highbury Park, London

This shot was taken a month ago.

Spring has arrived (for now) and that means a great London summer is on the way.

Looking back

040407, originally uploaded by Craig Grobler.

This pic was taken at a team get together at Keston Lodge, Upper Street - March 2005. It did not seem that long ago. I found out today that I'm shortly to be the last remaining original team member. I was first in and certainly did not expect to be around past my original colleagues.

Anyway here’s to you Lisa, Adam and Vic. Hope that you go from strength to strength.

Special Preview of Sunshine + Danny Boyle interview

Special Preview of Sunshine + Danny Boyle interview

An exciting, emotional and provocative science-fiction drama from director Danny Boyle, producer Andrew MacDonald and writer Alex Garland that conducts a visionary re-vamp of a familiar sci-fi scenario. The crew of Icarus II have set their controls for the heart of the sun, in order to deposit a bomb that will re-ignite the dying star. However, a moral quandary prompts a radical rethink of their all-important mission. Sublime visuals, sharp writing and a story that springs constant surprises, all wrapped around a very strong human core.

Preview courtesy of 20th Century Fox.

Danny Boyle will be interviewed on-stage following the screening of Sunshine.

Special Preview of Sunshine + Danny Boyle interview
Sunday April 1, 2007 at 5:00pm
Institute of Contemporary Arts, London.
Institute of Contemporary Arts, The Mall
London, England SW1Y 5AH

AIR live at the Forum, London

AIR play The Forum in London

Jean Benoit Dunckel and Nicolas Godin cut dashing silhouettes as they strode on to the stage. Dressed head to toe in white, including some eye poppingly tight jeans they oozed French nonchalance.

Looking like two luminous stick figures in amongst a sea of black equipment which included Moog Synthezisers, a Korg MSZO, a Wurlitzer and a Vocoder, they bashfully greeted the crowd, while the audience's mobile phone screens glowed like fire flies flickering in the darkness just beyond the footlights.