James Cameron in conversation

Avatar, Terminator, Stan Winston and what he’s been doing for the last 12 years

Avatar, Terminator, Stan Winston and what he’s been doing for the last 12 years.In a great guest blog, Scyfi Love’s man in London Craig Grobler – aka @ckc1ne on Twitter and a top bloke all around – tells of meeting up and spending three hours in the company of James Cameron ahead of the release of his latest blockbuster, Avatar. In that time Cameron and Craig talked about the origins of his most famous creation, The Terminator, his hopes for Avatar and the technology behind it, the death of Stan Winston and what the future may hold.

Cameron Talks

Craig Grobler

Midtown madness

Earlier this year while visiting my best friend. We popped into Midtown Comics just off Times Square. Whilst there Mart & I came across an authentic pair of Light Sabres. Naturally this is like honey to a bear. Chaos ensues. Note the expression on the comic dudes face.

Best Practice for Time Travelers

The guys over at Idle words have compiled a list of best practises for time travellers. The 8 key points are:

  1. Act like you don't care whether people believe you
  2. Don't be afraid to make woolly predictions
  3. Read up on your physics
  4. Cover Your Ass
  5. Apocalypse, baby!
  6. Dazzle 'em with details
  7. Know your audience
  8. Watch out for paradox
It seems the list is gleamed from time travelling films from the last 3 decades. Still bloody hilarious read the detail over here!

Poster from the classic time travel mind bender Back to the Future.

The 10 Greatest Countries in the History of the World

Media Orchard over at www.ideagrove.com have compiled a list of the 10 greatest Countries in the History of the World. They are:

1. Italy.
2. United Kingdom.
3. United States.
4. China.
5. Greece.
6. Egypt.
7. Iraq.
8. India.
9. Iran.(formerly Persia)
10. Chad.

For more detail read the entire blog post over here.

Vauxhall Beach, London

Vauxhall Beach, London, originally uploaded by Craig Grobler.

Yesterday, we popped into central London. It was packed not only with all the early international tourists but the locals seem to be streaming in as well. There is a stark contrast between the bustle of the city centre and the calm of river.

I promised some people that I would post a pic of my local beach. Here it is Vauxhall beach as frequented by (I'm guessing) German or Scandinavian tourist.

Gnarls Barkley

Wow!! I have just discovered Gnarls Barkley. I was a little surprised because The BBC, yes, The BBC have their track Crazy notched as "the hottest song of 2006".

These guys rock. A sublime blend of soulful harmonies over trip beats .

Gnarls Barkley are DJ Danger Mouse and CeeLo. Click the Napoleon image is to view more of there Crazy promo shots over at www.rockinsider.com

Read more at www.gnarlsbarkley.com/