James Cameron in conversation

Avatar, Terminator, Stan Winston and what he’s been doing for the last 12 years

Avatar, Terminator, Stan Winston and what he’s been doing for the last 12 years.In a great guest blog, Scyfi Love’s man in London Craig Grobler – aka @ckc1ne on Twitter and a top bloke all around – tells of meeting up and spending three hours in the company of James Cameron ahead of the release of his latest blockbuster, Avatar. In that time Cameron and Craig talked about the origins of his most famous creation, The Terminator, his hopes for Avatar and the technology behind it, the death of Stan Winston and what the future may hold.

Cameron Talks

Craig Grobler

First look at Mads Mikkelsen as Le Chiffre (The Cypher)

A Danish newspaper has printed the first look at Mads Mikkelsen as Le Chiffre (The Cypher). I think they must have made a mistake this is clearly a high school shot of Dr. Evil!!??

I have high hopes for this film. A young serious Bond that looks the business and a decent plotline that sounds almost true to the book.

James Bond (Craig) is a new recruit at the MI6 team. He's reckless and careless and on a mission. After just earning his 00 status with his first 2 kills he is sent to the Bahamas where he is to verse Le Chiffre (Mikkelsen)in a game of Texas Hold 'Em Poker. Although Bond must ensure that Le Chiffre's death comes at the hands of his own people.
Source - Internet Movie DataBase
Having a closer look at Mads he certainly does look like a young Donald Pleasance "Bloefeld". I have intentionally stayed away from any info that will give away some of the rich world the film will create as I would like a fresh view of the film on its release.

I recently listened to "Casino Royale" to refresh my memories of casino Royale. I read the book when I was young and remember Casino Royale's Bond being one of the more credible Bonds. This is an opportunity for the Bond producers to refresh the franchise. No doubt the film will be a success. Unfortunately I have 2 scenarios playing out in mind about he future of this Bond.
1. Although contractually bound. After the 3rd film Daniel will probably thinking wait a minute you guys are making $XXX and I'm only making $X. Time to renegotiate. Ala Brosnan. We know how this ends.
2. Although the film's are critically acclaimed, profits are not high enough and the producers revert back to the Bond cartoon formula. Ala Batman (pre Batman Begins).

I hope this time they elevate Bond from a wisecracking cartoon to an idealistic, alcoholic, keen to prove his worth , inexperienced (although self assured) Civil Servant.

Sounds like this Bond will be a mixture of Timothy Dalton, George Lazenby and early Sean Connery. Some of the images of Daniel Craig seem to stylistically hark back to the early Sean Connery Bond.

I must be looking forward to the film I can't remember the last time I thought about a forthcoming Bond film this much. I guess I just want the Bond that's in minds eye to be up on the screen rather than another cash spinning merchandising opportunity.

Some trivia about Casino Royale

  • A published report by BSkyB in early 2003 indicated that Sean Connery was among those being considered to direct the film.
  • Quentin Tarantino also expressed an interest in directing. He said at the Cannes film festival 2004 that he wanted to film "Casino Royale" properly - pretty much as Ian Fleming wrote it. He backed Pierce Brosnan for Bond and Uma Thurman as Bond Girl (presumably the tragic Vesper Lynd). He approached Eon Productions with his ideas, but they turned him down. Then, shortly thereafter, Eon announced the film would indeed be called "Casino Royale", but with Martin Campbell as the director, and with a new (not-yet-revealed) actor to portray the role of James Bond.
  • Before Daniel Craig was officially announced as the sixth actor to play James Bond there were several other actors considered for the part. Producer Michael G. Wilson said that they looked over 200 actors searching for the right one. Some of them were:
  1. Julian McMahon
  2. Dominic West
  3. Gerard Butler
  4. Henry Cavill
  5. Goran Visnjic
  6. Sam Worthington
  7. Alex O'Lachlan
  8. Rupert Friend
C'mon Layer Cake was one long audition for Casino Royale. For Matthew Vaughn (Director) and Daniel Craig. So it should not be a real surprise to anyone.
  • The announcement of Daniel Craig as the new James Bond was made on October 14th, 2005, aboard the HMS President, in London. In that same day, former James Bond Roger Moore was celebrating his 78th birthday. Many of the other actors in the running for Bond didn't even know they didn't get the job until they saw the TV broadcast of Daniel Craig accepting the offer.
  • The rights to Fleming's first 007 novel "Casino Royale", sold by him separately very early on, now reside with Eon Productions. The book was filmed for television and later as a big-screen spoof.
  • The first Bond film to be named after an Ian Fleming book or story since The Living Daylights (1987).
  • For this film Daniel Craig had to learn how to drive a car with manual transmission.
Source - Internet Movie DataBase


Just found out, about the "Americano" (A Kevin Noland film). I think I may have seen the trailer before but the premise and acting seemed rather trite, so I think I blanked it initially.

Jaysus, Dennis Hopper has this guy been involved in anything decent after "Easy Rider" and the the clever casting of Blue Velvet? He really makes it difficult to believe that he was the mastermind behind Easy Rider.

The "Americano" is more relevant for me now; as in July I'll be Running with the bulls, and I got corporate sponsorship for this gig, baby. Seems that the organisation are going to contribute to a team away day(s). So we can participate in the running.

downer as apparently ladies cannot participate??!!. Sounds like a good chance that I may have to apply my learnings from The Bruce Lee School of Disguise to ensure that as many of the team can be involved as possible.

In discussion with people that have done the run previously, it transpires that my contingency plan
of turning, facing the bulls, horn grabbing, somersaulting on to the bulls back and riding it into the arena (cheered by both the locals and tourists alike) may be a bit of a pipe dream. Apparently harassing or touching the beasts is frowned upon.

Some top tips for an enjoyable near death experience:

  1. To admit anyone under the age of 18 into the course as minors are totally prohibited from running or participating.
  2. To go over the police barriers which the authorities see fit to erect.
  3. To place oneself in the zones and areas of the itinerary which are expressly indicated by the agents of the authorities.
  4. To hide oneself before the release of the bulls in corners, dead angles or doorways of houses or establishments located throughout the length of the course.
  5. To leave open the doors of the houses along the course, the owners or tenants of the said property being responsible for this.
  6. To enter into the route in a state of drunkenness, under the effects of drugs or in any inappropriate state.
  7. To carry objects which may impede the correct running of the Bull Run.
  8. To wear clothes or shoes which are not appropriate for the run.
  9. Call the animals or distract them in any way and for whatever reason in the course or during the rounding up in the Bull Ring.
  10. To stop in the Bull Run or station oneself on the walls or barriers or in the doorways in such a way as to impede the run or the defence of the runners.
  11. To grab onto, harass or mistreat the animals or obstruct their exit enclosure by any action during the amateur bullfight.
  12. To take photographs from the streets, walls or barriers without due authorisation.
  13. Any other action which may impede the normal running of the Bull Run.
Source - www.spanish-fiestas.com
On the Americano site find the Pamplona link. This will reveal a small map of the village pf Pamplona with key locations plotted for you.

Read more at www.americanothemovie.c...

Whilst researching, I found this clip. Awesome...

Pororoca the world's longest wave

Pororoca: the taker of lives and breaker of dreams.

Soon my little friend soon. Well a March/April in the near future. I have to go soon as the “Pororoca is no longer a secret spoken about in hushed tones by the elite few that have only heard of it by word of mouth. It seems that with the proliferation of information and easy travel everyone is jumping on the band wagon and soon it will be another theme park experience. In preperation I have been spending hours surfing the Web, XBox game thumbing and walking along the Thames at low tide.The “Pororoca.”In the local tongue the name means “huge noise” and “killer” at the same time. The Pororoca is born of the conflict between the great Amazon River and the unalterable surge of the Atlantic Ocean itself. The destructive power it brings with it to this already harsh environment is chilling. It is truly a monster: the taker of lives and breaker of dreams.

From Wiki:
The pororoca is a tidal bore up to 4 meters high that travels upstream the Amazon River. Its name comes from the indigenous Tupi language, where it translates into "great destructive noise". It occurs at the mouth of the river where river water meets the Atlantic Ocean. The phenomenon is best seen in February and March, where waves up to 4 meters rolling for up to 35 minutes have been observed.The wave has become popular with surfers. Since 1999, an annual championship has been held in São Domingos do Capim. However, surfing the Pororoca is especially dangerous, as the water contains numerous deadly animals, such as the piranha and the candiru.

Read more at http://www.int.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1&click_id=29&art_id=qw1077350222339B241